Sunday, June 27, 2010

We're Expecting!

Surprise! Wow! I know. Juan and I have known for a while. We told Sarita, La Chiquitita, and Big O some time ago too! Don't be mad at any of them. We asked them to keep quiet for a while. Originally, Juan and I wanted to wait until week 20. But we just couldn't wait any longer! We're 19 weeks today!

Start the jokes now, but the trip to Hawaii was perfect for Juan and I! Although we missed our princesa so much, we're now expecting a new baby this fall! My due date is November 21st. And honestly, the entire family is excited!

We were able to tell our parents last week. On Father's Day no less! They came to vissit for a few days. And everyone is super excited! It's been a long time coming. And after all the problems we've had, this is such a blessing.

Sarita is so excited. She has been talking nonstop about her new baby. I'm just excited to see her sweet smile. And we've made a family decision. We're going to look for a home near our family and friends. Maybe just maybe, we can convince Nana and Nono to move back too! :)

Honestly, most of this comes from us wanting to be closer to our loved ones. And we're praying for all the best. After the new baby is born, God willing, Sarita will have her operation. And if all goes well, we can celebrate the new baby and a healthy Sarita. ~C